About Us


Zion is a relational church that loves and cares for one another and lives in a community that belongs to Jesus Christ.

We are devoted to communicating God's love to the lost, connecting people to Jesus, and to contributing our Spirit-given talents to further the Kingdom of God.

We have a sincere yearning to become who God calls us to be in this place and time, and we rely completely on His provision and direction as we put our hope and trust in Him.

Finally, we strive to continue in the mission of the church—to carry out both the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to the best of our human ability, with God’s help.


Parking - We have off street parking available to the south and east of our building. There is also plenty of additional public parking on the street around the building.

Worship - We offer a blended worship gathering on Sunday mornings starting at 9:45 a.m. In the summer (following Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend) worship time is adjusted to 9:00am. Music any given Sunday may be senior choir, praise team, handbells, hymns or many other special music options.

Message - Our Pastor's lead us through the Bible and teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Spirit filled and passionate we hope that they will speak to you just where you are at!

Attire - We want you to feel comfortable. Attendees can be found in shorts and a t-shirt to their "Sunday best" and everywhere in between. We want you to be able to focus on worship over what you're wearing.

Our Leadership

Chris McKnight

Pastor of Prayer & Connection


Our Lord and Savior

Christ centered in our mission work

John Stephen

Consistory President